
IHOSE header

A general store on Route 66 featuring "a little Ford" [LAST]

It's summertime and the Sherlocking is easy! In our 66th episode, we travel down the road with the top down and enjoy the sites and news along the way.

Our breezy conversation ranges from hockey and snow (it's Christmas in July!), which sends us down a rabbit hole of snow in the Canon, to the latest in the #FreeSherlock movement, and then on to some events.

But the real fun begins when Burt and Scott investigate the various iterations of Sherlockian tchotchkes that give us kicks as Sherlockians. As it happens, our little show and site focuses on the intersection of Sherlock Holmes and popular culture, so our dueling top 10 lists should bring a smile to your face.

What did we miss? What would you add to the lists that we started? Let us know with a comment tagged #IHOSE 66.

Speaking of hashtags - don't forget the contest we mentioned in Episode 65. You have until August 30 to enter for a chance to win the Tom Richmond print of the 8 Sherlock Holmes portrayals.

Our Gas-Lamp this time is "A long, long trail a-winding" from the Spring issue of 2014 (Vol. 64, No. 1) of the Baker Street Journal.

Finally, Burt shares news of his talk at a local library - perhaps serving as a model for like-minded Sherlockians in other communities to do the same.


 Download this episode by right-clicking the icon and selecting "Save As..." or simply click on the file to listen, or on the player above. (File size: 44.3 MB, 1:44:06)

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Your thoughts on the show? Leave a comment below, send us an email, call us at (774) 221-READ (7323) or use the Speakpipe app right here on the site. Connect with us and other interested Sherlockians on The Sherlock Holmes Community on Google+, FacebookTwitter and Tumblr. And of course, our web- and app-based Flipboard magazine is a nice collection of links, articles and images.

And above all, please let our sponsors know that you heard us rant and rave about their excellence during the programme: Wessex PressThe Baker Street Journal - and as always, a very special sponsor.

Bonus Content:
Avid listeners who stay with us for the entire episode will be treated to a little extra something.

Image credit: Harry Pherson (Flickr)