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“see how beautifully the spring works” [STUD] 

The world of Sherlock Holmes enthusiasts is alive and blooming! It is the spring, after all. And with such a season of renewal, we see continued interest and growth in activities and interests around Sherlock Holmes.

A number of Sherlockian conferences and gatherings are happening, all around the country. Individual Sherlockians (namely, our listeners) are making themselves known not only to us but to new audiences as well. And online there are always fun groups of people making the Sherlockian world more interesting.

We have tons of great links to help you discover these events, people, and content, so make sure you check them out in the show notes.

The Canonical Couplet features another brain-teaser. But we promise to go easy on your brains. If you're the lucky winner whose correct entry is randomly chosen, you'll be the recipient of a copy of the Winter 2022 Baker Street Journal.

Send your answer to comment @ ihearofsherlock .com by April 29, 2023 at 11:59 a.m. EST. The winner will be chosen at random from among all the correct answers. All listeners are eligible to play.

If you become a Patron of the Arts, not only will you help to ensure we can keep doing what we do, covering file hosting costs, production, and transcription services, but we have thank-you gifts at certain tiers and ad-free versions of the episodes for all patrons.

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  • Wessex Press/Gasogene Books is the premier publisher of books about Sherlock Holmes and Arthur Conan Doyle.
  • MX Publishing is a publishing dynamo, with new titles every week. They're sure to have loads of options for your Sherlock Holmes-related needs.

Would you care to advertise with us? You can find more information here. Let's chat!


Many more links, articles, and images are available in our Flipboard magazine at ihose.co/flipsherlock  as well as through our accounts on FacebookYouTubeInstagram, and Twitter.

And would you consider leaving us a rating and review? It would help other Sherlockians to find us.

Your thoughts on the show? Leave a comment below, send us an email (comment AT ihearofsherlock DOT com), call us at 5-1895-221B-5. That's (518) 952-2125.


We are so grateful for your support on Patreon, which makes our transcripts possible. Every amount helps. A transcript will be here soon.


